

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I want to Reelect President Obama

 By my friend David Stump:
Over the past 30 years the Republican Party has become dominated by a spirit of greed and selfishness. They have consistently worked for three policies which favor the Super Rich over the rest of us: cut taxes for the rich, cut regulations on business, cut programs that help people in need.
These three policies have been major contributors to most of our current problem. The explosive growth of our deficit and debt began when Reagan cut taxes for the rich, it got worse when George W. thought he could fight two wars and cut taxes at the same time. We lost jobs to 3rd world countries while other industrial countries did not because our tax laws made it profitable to do so and theirs penalized it. Deregulating the banks was a major cause of the recession.
Over the past four year Mr. Obama did not completely get us out of the hole it took 30 years to get into but he did a lot to stimulate the economy, save or create millions of jobs, and help people who were in trouble. As a result our economy is recovering while the economies of countries that adopted �austerity budgets� are still declining. During these four years the Republicans did only two things: defend the tax cuts for the rich and try to block everything Obama did.
It is impossible to know what Mr. Romney really stands for because he has been very vague on details and he has flip-flopped on almost every issue.
To think that going back to the same policies that caused this mess will fix it is folly. If you want a fuller discussion of these issues, read on.

The Longer Version.

The period of the post WWII boom, 1945-1975, was the most vibrant period in our economic history. It was a time of: high taxes, strong unions, good government regulation of business, and good government programs like the GI bill to help people improve their lives. The middle class prospered, workers prospered, the country prospered, and millions of people achieved the American Dream of economic security earned by their own hard work.
During that time we cleaned up our polluted environments, ended legalized segregation, founded the Peace Corps and similar programs, developed communications and weather satellites and walked on the moon.
During the period of the Conservative Resurgence, 1980 to 2008, we Lowered taxes on the rich, weakened the unions, gutted the regulatory agencies and cut back on programs to help ordinary citizens. The Super Rich prospered. And the rest of us lost out.

What was the difference?

It might be summed up in two famous statements. In 1961 John F. Kennedy said, �Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.� In 1989 Gilbert Gecko said, �Greed is good.�
It might also be summed up in the teachings of two people: Jesus said, �Love your neighbor as yourself� and �The greatest among you must be the servant of all.� The French author Ayn Rand said that altruism is a vice and everyone should pursue his own self-interest. Of course greed and selfishness had been around for a long time but since the 1980s they have run wild.

How did it happen?

Ronald Reagan cut taxes for the rich by a lot and raised them slightly for the middle class. The explosive growth of our deficit and debt dates from that time. After 39 presidents and 200 years our national debt was just under one trillion dollars. 4 presidents and 28 years later it was $10T. 82% of that growth was under �borrow and spend� Republican presidents.
More importantly, that tax cut triggered the biggest and fastest redistribution of wealth in our history. Do the math. When Ronald Reagan cut the maximum tax rate from 70% of income over $200,000 to 28% of income over $30,000 the take home pay of anyone making over $200,000 doubled without them doing an extra lick of extra work.

Figure 1 � National Debt and Maximum Tax Rate

Figure 2 � Whose Debt Is It Anyway?

What did the rich do with the extra money? Some set up charitable foundations to do good. Some of them, however:
  1. Hired lobbyists and influenced politicians to change the laws so they could make even more money.
  2. Pushed their tame politicians to repeal sensible regulations so that they could get even richer while crashing the economy down on the heads of the rest of us.
  3. Engaged in a well-funded campaign of propaganda pointing the blame for our troubles anywhere but at themselves.

Point 1 � The 1% hired lobbyists and influenced politicians to change the laws so they could make even more money.

Note: The expression �the 1%� does not apply to everyone with an income over $1M but to those who use their wealth in ways that hurt the rest of us.
Working through well paid lobbyists and politicians beholden to them, they had tax shelters and loopholes written into the tax code and they pushed for free trade laws that made it profitable to move their factories overseas where they could get rich exploiting non-unionized, uninsured, desperate people living in third world poverty.
During the Progressive era from 1945-1975 our Gross Domestic Product doubled and average income of every group of Americans doubled. During the Conservative Resurgence from 1980-2008 our GDP doubled again. The income of the top 1% more than doubled while average Middle Class income went up only 20%.
As a result of that the percentage of wealth owned by the top 1% quickly went back to where it was just before the Depression. Take a look at the following four graphs. Does this situation look good to you?

Figure 3 - The Picket Fance and the Staircase.

Figure 4 � How Rich are The Super Rich?

Figure 5 � Wealth of the Top 1%.

Figure 6 If US Land Were Divided Like US Wealth

We are all paying for this great disparity of wealth and may pay even more in the future. Consider one example: the four members of the Walton family, owners of Walmart, now hold as much wealth as the bottom 40 percent of Americans combined: Between 2007 and 2010, while median family wealth fell by 38.8 percent, the wealth of the Walton family members rose from $73.3 billion to $89.5 billion. Click for article. At the same time, almost half of the people who work for Wal-Mart earn so little that they qualify for Food Stamps and Medicare. Instead of raising their salary scale, Wal-Mart hires case workers to help them apply for this federal aid. The American taxpayers are spending $2.6 billion every year to subsidize Wal-Mart�s payroll. Click for article. And the same is true for other business that pay minimum wage.
In 1970 it was possible to live above the poverty line on minimum wage. Today at $7.25/hr x 40 hr/wk x 52 wk/yr = $15,080/yr it is not. As the cost of living rose, instead of insisting that employers pay a living wage we set up programs by which the taxpayers subsidize big businesses.
In 1916, when Congress was debating the Inheritance Tax, Louis Brandeis, later to be a Supreme Court Justice, said, �We can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, or we can have democracy but we can�t have both.� Since the 2010 Supreme Court Decision Citizens United v FEC struck down a 100 year history of Campaign Finance Legislation, wealthy individuals and businesses have poured hundreds of millions into political campaigns in order to elect candidates that will do what the 1% want.

Point 2 � The 1% pushed their tame politicians to repeal sensible regulations so that they could get even richer while crashing the economy down on the heads of the rest of us.

During the 19th century the US economy went through a series of boom and bust cycles, the Panic of 1819, the Panic of 1837, the Panic of 1857, the Panic of 1893, the Panic of 1907 and, the granddaddy of them all, the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The McFadden Act of 1927 prevented banks from operating across state lines. Most banks were relatively small with close ties to their community. When McFadden was repealed in 1994 it opened the way to the formation of the banks that were �too big to fail� and had no commitment except to maximizing short term profit.
A major cause of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was banks gambling on the stock market with their depositor�s money. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 separated banking from investing. If you wanted to put money in a high-yield, high-risk stock, go right ahead; no one was stopping you. But if you put your money in a bank it was supposed to be safe. Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999 and 8 years later those big banks needed a $700,000,000,000 bailout.
Big business would also like to roll back most of our environmental legislation. I remember when you could not walk along the Hudson River because of the smell of raw sewage, when the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland was so polluted that the river caught fire and did a million dollars of damage to boats and piers; and when the smog over Los Angeles was so thick that people with asthma were advised to stay indoors 100 days out of a single year. There is certainly room to simplify many regulations but to say we can trust others to do the right thing without some regulation is folly.

Point 3 � The 1% engaged in a well-funded campaign of propaganda pointing the blame for our troubles anywhere but at themselves.

They launched a propaganda campaign to focus people�s anger on �illegal aliens� and �welfare cheats.� Propaganda is information designed to bypass the brain and go directly to the gut. Using ethnic slurs and loaded words like �welfare queens� and �wetbacks,� right wing talk-radio pundits goaded people into believing that poor people were responsible for the loss of jobs and for money disappearing from the middle and working classes. They used slogans like �No redistribution of wealth� and �class warfare� to hide the fact that this redistribution of wealth and class warfare have been going on for 30 years and that 99% of us have been losing.
At the same time anonymous hate filled circular letters go viral on the Internet even though a quick check at snopes.com will show that they are Mostly False and sometime rate a �pants on fire� award.

What Does This Have to Do with Election 2012?

In his first four years Mr. Obama has:
  • Passed a stimulus bill that stopped the free fall of the American Economy and saved or created 3 million jobs.
  • Saved 1.4 million jobs in the auto Industry and its supplier
  • Three times sent an American Jobs Act to congress only to be blocked by the Republicans.
  • Fought for lower taxes for ordinary Americans while asking the richest Americans to pay a fairer share of the tax burden.
  • Passed a health care bill that extends care to 32 million Americans who were without it.
  • Passed a law that gives women equal pay for equal work.
  • Provided help to Americans who lost their jobs in the recession.
  • Promoted educational reforms.
  • Kept student interest rates low so more of our students can stay in college.
  • Passed financial industry reform laws to help prevent a future recession.
  • Invested in clean energy jobs.
  • Called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. And
  • Called for closing the tax loopholes that allow people like Mitt Romney to make millions while paying a lower tax rate than Americans who earn a salary.
At the same time the Republicans in Congress have tried to block every one of these programs. They have had only two priorities:
  • To prevent raising taxes on the very rich
  • To get rid of Mr. Obama so they could return to the same policies that caused the recession.
In pursuit of these they have:
  • Three times passed Mr. Ryan�s budget that would:
    • Change Medicare into a voucher programs that would raise costs for elderly people.
    • Change Social Security into a system that would provide less security for the people who need it most.
    • Lower taxes on the wealthy from 35% to 28%
    • Cut Medicaid and food stamps.
    • Cuts funding to education, employment training programs, Pell grants, agriculture, and transportation
  • Twice brought us to the brink of closing down the government in order to defend the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000.
  • Recommended letting Detroit go bankrupt.
  • Promised to repeal Obamacare.
  • Promised to repeal the Repatriation tax, a move which would send even more jobs offshore.
  • Opposed financial regulations designed to prevent another meltdown of the banks.
  • Opposed extending unemployment benefits to people out of work because of the recession.
  • Tried to block almost everything Mr. Obama has tried to do.
Mr. Romney�s five point plan for the economy starts by cutting taxes for big business and waiving regulations designed to protect our environment and the safety of American works. It has been estimated that his promise to repeal the Repatriation Tax could send an additional 800,000 American jobs overseas. As Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman has said,
Mr. Romney�s five-point �economic plan� is very nearly substance-free. It vaguely suggests that he will pursue the same goals Republicans always pursue � weaker environmental protection, lower taxes on the wealthy. But it offers neither specifics nor any indication why returning to George W. Bush�s policies would cure a slump that began on Mr. Bush�s watch.
I am convinced that a Romney/Ryan victory would be an economic disaster for our country.

What about our huge National Debt?

In 2008 when recession hit worldwide most countries found themselves dealing with large deficits and high unemployment. Conservatives said we had to deal with the deficit first. Most of Europe went the way of austerity and their economies continue to get deeper in trouble while ours is recovering.
Fortunately for the US, President Obama insisted on dealing with unemployment first. The conservatives limited the stimulus package to half of what progressive economists recommended so it did not pull us out of recession quickly but many prominent economists have said that the stimulus package kept us from sliding into depression. And now there are definite signs of improvement.
This should not be surprising. Dealing with the deficit first means putting more people out of work, reducing tax revenues, adding to the cost of the social safety net and thus adding to the deficit. Dealing with unemployment first means getting people off the welfare rolls and back onto the tax rolls, giving us more money to eventually reduce the deficit.
Our economy was in free-fall for the last two years of W�s term. Immediately after the Stimulus Bill went into effect we pulled out of the free fall and started recovering. Check out these graphs and the five minute video at Did the Stimulus Work?

Figure 7 - Employment                             Figure 8 - US Gross Domestic Product

But What About Abortion?

As a Catholic I have to consider the abortion issue. Some Catholics and even some priests and bishops would have us be �one issue voters� because Abortion trumps all other issues. Fortunately that is not the official position of the US Catholic Church.
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship is a booklet first published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) 30 years ago and revised every four years since then. The last revision was in 2011. It is not the work of some self-appointed group of lay people, nor of one or two way-out bishops. It has been discussed by, voted on, and approved by the entire body of the USCCB. This along with the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the definitive statement of what the US Catholic Bishops teach. You can download your own copy from the Internet .
Faithful Citizenship does not offer a voter's guide, scorecard of issues, or direction on how to vote. It applies Catholic moral principles to a range of important issues and warns against misguided appeals to 'conscience' to ignore fundamental moral claims, or to reduce Catholic moral concerns to one or two matters. Paragraph 42 explicitly says that "As Catholics we are not single-issue voters." It is the militant "Right to Life" groups that would reduce the Catholic position to a single issue.
I would love to be able to vote for a candidate who supports Catholic morality across the board but there is no such candidate. Conservatives support our position on abortion and euthanasia. But Catholic moral teaching on the "Right to Life" also opposes capital punishment and war. Liberals are much closer to us on these issues.
Our US Catholic bishops have spoken frequently and strongly about the need for comprehensive reform of our broken immigration system, about the need to maintain a strong social safety net to help those impoverished by the current recession, and about the need to support economic justice for all. On these issues as well, the liberal position in this country is much closer to ours then is the conservative position.
Why are so many Catholics and other right wing Christians so ready to jump on the anti-abortion bandwagon and ignore these other issues? Could it be because abortion is a simple black and white issue that does not require us to do anything, only oppose what others are doing, while fixing our immigration and economic problems would require many of our leading parishioners to make significant changes in their actions?
Faithful Citizenship does put a very strong emphasis on abortion as a major moral evil of our day but paragraph 35 notes that
There may be times when a Catholic who rejects a candidate�s unacceptable position may decide to vote for that candidate for other morally grave reasons. Voting in this way would be permissible only for truly grave moral reasons, not to advance narrow interests or partisan preferences or to ignore a fundamental moral evil.�
This paragraph has an interesting history. During the 2004 election cycle Archbishop Burke of St. Louis wrote a pastoral letter saying that any Catholic who votes for any candidate who supports a "woman's right to abortion" cooperates in that mortal sin. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and now Pope Benedict XVI, wrote to the USCCB saying that Burke was wrong. Ratzinger made this distinction: If a catholic votes for a candidate who supports abortion because the candidate supports abortion the Catholic cooperates in serious sin. If, however a Catholic votes for a candidate because he is the best candidate in spite of his position on abortion that is not a serious sin.
I, along with many other Catholics, believe that we are in such a situation. The 30 years since Ronald Reagan was elected have been disastrous for our country. We have lost jobs, we have exported our great manufacturing base, we have amassed a huge National Debt, we have seen the concentration of wealth in the hands of the richest 1% of our country grow back to where it was just before the Great Depression, and we have seen a small group of those very wealthy people exercise an inordinate influence on our political system by hiring armies of lobbyists and buying influence with politicians on both sides of the aisle. We have watched the wealthy giants of the financial world bring on the Great Recession by foolishly dismantling the financial control laws put in place after the Depression.
The conservative policies of cutting taxes for the rich and deregulating everything got us into our current mess. Why should we think that returning to those same policies will do anything other than make it worse?
Does this constitute a �morally grave situation?� Please consider the following:
Abortion is wrong. Every year thousands of children are aborted which is a great tragedy. But where are the souls of those children? They are in the hands of God, along with the souls of the stillborn, and miscarried.
On the other hand every year thousands of children are born into poverty, into situations where they will be surrounded by the near occasions of sin. Many of them will become involved with drugs, gangs, prostitution and violence. Many will die young with mortal sins on their souls after destroying other lives as well.Which of these is the greater tragedy?
You might also consider this: In the New Testament, what did Jesus say about abortion? What did he say about homosexuality? What did he say about contraception? Nothing. What did he talk about? He talked about loving your neighbor, about helping those less well off, about the dangers of being rich, about the hypocrisy of leaders who do not help carry the burdens of their people.
I am not saying that we should not work to reduce or end abortion, but as our Catholic Bishops say in Faithful Citizenship we need to work on both sets of issues.
To my mind it is the Christians who get all exercised about abortion, homosexuality, and religious freedom but ignore Jesus�s command to �love your neighbor as yourself;� who week after week listen to gospel passages about Jesus helping the poor, the sick, the outcasts and ignore his �new commandment� to love one another as I have loved you;� who ignore the passage from St. James read at Mass recently railing against people who made themselves rich by impoverishing their employees; and the people who ignore Jesus�s warnings about being rich; they are the ones who are �Christian�s In Name Only.� And they are the ones who may find themselves on the wrong side if the description of the last judgment in Matthew 25 turns out to be anywhere near correct.
I failed to keep this paper short. My apologies. If you are still with me and would like to read more about these issues you might check out the Social Justice section of my web page:
http://spccis.spc.edu/dstump/SocialJustice/> Especially the article Conservative Economic Theories Just Dont Work

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The truth about American history and wealth

One day, when the history of the free world is re-written through the eyes of truth, this new youtube documentary will be considered a classic, must watch history lesson showing how history has really unfolded over the last 100 years.  This is a history of the ruling elite, linking those in power in the world from founding fathers to more ancient times, showing the connection between global leaders, bankers & the monetary institutions. Included are secret societies like freemasonry, knights templars and the order of skull & bones. Governmental agencies such as CIA and political parties such as the Nazis. The Illuminati and NWO exposed from their roots till our present days. Anyone who understands the significance of the first 40 seconds of this video to our country in its’ relationship to present day events will undertand why ‘Waking up to the truth’ and peaceful action against it might be the only way to stop the house of cards from tumbling down all around us.



we’ve been tricked duked lied to and used for political and monetary greed and it looks like many sold out America and their souls and then have the audacity to call anyone else anti-American or terrorists.
It’s time to upset the status quo and brake away from the norm and revolutionize the electoral process by doing something that’s never been done before in this county’ If your tired of the same ol WWE entertainment game being played by our politicians then it’s time to re-write the play book and trash the old one by creating a SWEEP THE HOUSE political over haul on not only both sides of the fence but from within every level of politics city state and government . If these elected officials can’t seem to do the right thing and  are involved in shady practices are selling out for the next monetary fix and passing laws that can only benefit them and the rich and their progress report shows too many loop holes then it’s time to give them a pink slip. and if we have to stage a voter over throw and just hire newbies we can’t do any worse than what we have already .like the statistic says , it only takes 10% participation of the population to make this happen so let’s PUSH for real transparent postive productive change. This is the people’s time to shine”while doing so we need to pass a bill A.S.A.P. like the separation of church & state , let’s GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS” where these politicians lobbyists and big companies can’t gamble with this country or selling us out like cheap prostitutes or junkies for the next monetary fix, make it illegal for elected politicians to participate in wall street insider trading etc place a cap on how much money can a company or 1%er donate or give to politics and for true equality what ever health benefits these elected officials have or accept for themselves should be available to everyone, also an annually progress report should be made available via the internet about an elected official to keep tabs on how our taxes are being spent.while at the same time making sure a first time 100% complete audit is conducted on the federal reserve and maybe repeal the federal reserve act of 1913 and replace it back with lawful money and also fining them for stolen and unaccounted funds for several years since they were created and use that money to offset the deficit
Regardless of what we do we can no longer afford to just sit back and keep allowing this to happen”
PS I’m not for the red or for the blue for the left or for the right ,I’m for what’s right’ for what’s right for me my family this country and everybody across the board.I think independently for myself and will not play the amen corner fan member volunteer team player cheering for a certain side or party because I don’t subscribe to being a groupie part of the masses , I am an individualist while I am still a giver of many causes in humanity I will not allow the political social psychological matrix to control my actions
We need the upset the status quo and change the game . If they can change or rewrite the constitution WE THE PEOPLE can revolutionize the electoral process and unify as a people a nation and take back our lives and our America”
I tried to play the peace keeping mediator and advocate of community co operation but what I witnessed was blatant disregard and abuse on a large scale by many police officers in Occupy wall street one year anniversary Sept 17th 201. My board stated the following:
I want to set the record straight ” This movement of mainstream society all across the country is occupying and protesting a corrupted system dirty politics and the massive abuse of the monetary system especially the lack of understanding of the people’s needs by our politicians. The police officers all across America under those uniforms are our brothers & sisters and not just because their union members. they belong to our churches their kids go to our kids schools they are our neighbors they too have bills and mortgages and taxes and suffering from the same pinch and crunch we’re feeling from within government with their jobs pensions 401K’s e.t.c. they are just following rules and doing their jobs all though I do understand that their are a few police officers that are abusive and out of control but two wrongs don’t make a right and those demonstrating or protesting have the right to practice their first amendment rights to PEACEFULLY DEMONSTRATE but it is not necessary to agitate nor provoke the police and if & when it’s time to get arrested nothing productive comes out of resisting arrest by fighting shouting and kicking.
If you know that you will not leave when told to and are willing to get arrested to get your point across then allow the police to do their jobs and they will respect you and your cause further…other than that LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE’S REVOLUTION FOR POSITIVE CHANGE and OCCUPY THE LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
And for nothing because what we got was this…UNPROVOKED RANDOM TARGETED BEATINGS & ARRESTS BY NYPD


We must do all we can by all means necessary to salvage what ever is left of America.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Apocalypse Has Arrived

 Story By Dragon Sensei
The prophesies are many, the prophets legend. Each Age of Man has presaged the events of the future that shall unfold. Mighty civilizations from the Sumerians to the Romans, and powerful seers from the Greek oracles to Nostradamus predicted the arrival of what's called the Apocalypse in the Bible's New Testament. What is an 'apocalypse?' It's not the end of the world. The Greek word means an unveilingof the Truth. The process of unveiling the Truth and the events fulfilling the prophesies are unstoppablethe events are occuring now.

Dawn of the Apocalypse
The unveiling of the Truth leading to the current Apocalyptic events had their origins in the last century.
Psychics predicted a New Age dawning in the early years of the 21st Century and a reawakening of Mankind. Humanity would begin to question the old institutions, the old ways, crippling social structures, and inhibiting lack of intellectual freedom.
Some envisioned the shackles of humanity would be brokenbut with the revelations would come economic hardship, political upheaval, and great distress.
The upheavals and uprisings would not be contained only to the human race, but ripple though the Cosmos affecting all of Creation.

Earth changes would be prevalent: mass destruction, geological catastrophes, and a newly violent sun.
But the major indicators of an Apocalypse leading to the dawning of a New Age of greater insight and spirituality, the prophesizers said, would be the unmistakable signs of global economic turmoil, political chaos, the exposure of great hidden evils, and the amazing transformation of science.

Economic turmoil, collapse
Like almost everything else, money and economics is an invention of Man. Various economic systems have their strengths and weaknesses.
Since 2008, few economies in the world have done well. Virtually all the Western countries, and many emerging economies, are floundering. Even China has seen economic troubles erupt during 2012.
Much of the trouble can be traced back to irrational policies, enforced scarcity, political decisions trumping common sense, and the penchant towards command-and-control governmental structure at the expense of individual choices and responsibility.
The crisis has reached such magnitudes that even those with little expertise in economics can see the problem.
Yet these events were predicted long ago and are just some of the signs of the reawakening and the shift towards spiritual insight and lessening of dependence upon a strictly materialistic view of life.
The global economies are continuing to unravel
While there is nothing inherently wrong with materialism (after all, without it everyone would be dead in short order as the world is physical and we are physical beings with material needs), the pendulum has tended to shift too far away from the spiritual side of humans. This dichotomy, the spiritual versus the material sides of humans, has been a battle that stretches back to the beginning of cognitive awareness.
Uncle Same faces economic collapse
Mankind's basic human nature is encapsuled within the concept of freedom of spirit. The more that freedom is contained and oppressed and suppressed, the more misery populates the Earth.
Part of the Apocalyptic process is revealing the hidden truths of the gloabl economic structure and giving way to the birth pains accompanying a transition to a better, richer world. It can be a world richer in spirit, wealth, material and emotional happiness, great and exciting challengesand deeper and more universal love.
Political upheaval, chaos
Politics are not exempt from the unveiling of the truth. The political atrocities of the Middle East have been exposed for the world to see.
The Peoples Republic of China has also been exposed for its brutal actions and policies against peaceful religious and political activists.
The Chinese political leaders persecution of Falun Gong is being revealed, as well as the state's policy of forced labor and concentration camps.
The horrific practice of executing political prisoners deemed as enemies of the State and then harvesting the hapless victims' organs for State profit is also being denounced by some world leaders and free societies for the despicable and immoral act that it is.

As the condemnation of political tyranny spreads, revolutions, rebellions, insurrection and civil disobedience widens.
Those that sought to create a so-called New World Order founded on fear, surveillance, and oppression are being exposed by factors within various governments, organizations, citizen activists, and mystics out of the mainstream.
The revered shamans of the Americas, the ancient Hopi nation, the wise holy men of the Far East, and the devout Hindu leaders of the timeless Indian sub-continent have shared their uniform vision of events to come and the events they once predicted that have arrived.
Organizations like Anonymous strike fear into world leaders
Evil exposed
The evils that have plagued humanity for uncounted centuries are in the process of being exposed like never before in history.
Grass root groups, many controversial, are mushrooming up throughout the political and economic forests of the world. These groups are coming out of the woods and exposing Truth in novel and ingenious ways using high technology to wage their war against those that would be masters.
The evil plots are being exposed all around the world
Some of the most visible movements and groups include people who have risen to the political and economic challenges that have emerged. Among the groups are such diverse political ideologists as the TEA Party and the Occupy forces.
The Apocalypse is turning over the rocks where evil lurks
High tech wizards like Julian Assange and his Wikileaks network, or the borderline anarchists of Anonymous whose symbol is a Guy Fawkes mask, are driving world authorities into a frenzy by exposing devious plots, blatant corruption and secret agreements designed to inhibit individual liberty and free communication between all the peoples of the world.

Science transformed
The brave new world of the Apocalypse has also come to science.
Science is a two-edged sword. It can be a boon for Mankind or used by self-appointed elites to become masters of the world. The scientific method can be utilized to enrich and improve the human condition or create horror weapons like those produced by evil regimes such as Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin's gulag-ridden Soviet Union.

Science unbound, and steered towards the advancenment of knowledge while philosophically driven to move the human race ahead and empower the individual in new ways undreamed of in the past, is the discipline's greatest purpose.
Science unfettered will lead to the mastery of the self. For with advancing knowledge must come greater self-discipline and accountable responsibility.
The Apocalyse is driving this too as science is beginning to divest itself of the inherent fraud and political trappings that have all-too-often caused it to lose its way.
While the process cannot come fast enough for many people, it is of its very nature a slow, arduous task. No one ever promised an Apocalypse will accomplish all within a few short years. The process can stretch on for decades. But in the end Mankind can be transformed into a better, wiser race. Along the way it will divest itself of some of the insanities that have haunted humans for far too long a time.
The Apocalyptic process of spiritual rebirth and the rediscovery of the roots of Mankind's innate abilities and powers will break the chains of fear and small-mindedness that have caused society to become infected with a cancer that's mostly self-inflicted.

Science and reawakened spirituality is shifting the world towards a future that will eventually benefit all men and women of goodwill. But the process is anathema to those that seek to pillage, conquer and subjugate others.
Medical marvels, miracles from the physics laboratory, exploration of the world's greatest mysteriesall await fruition on the other side of the Apocalypse.
As the veil is lifted more will see the glory of the shining Truths occulted by those that accumulated great power while attempting to crush the spirit of others.
Science will reveal the reality of other dimensions and realities. The nature of death may be discovered. Proof will emerge from the laboratories of the reality of Man's immortal existence and how every person is a part of the Cosmic All.
Much that's been considered paranormal or fringe science will begin to be recognized as valid science and incorporated into the growing repository of advancing human knowledge.
Apocalyptic revelations will lift humans from the cradle to their place in the universe.

A spiritual re-awakening and accounting
The Apocalypse brings renewal and fresh starts. All Truth will be revealed as the Cosmos is being cleansed and errors corrected, frauds revealed, injustices rectified.
Truths that were hidden will be revealed; Truths cannot be hidden any longer.
Mankind will change, a celestial accounting take place, because the moral values will change.
For example, fiat money is immoral because it's not right to charge someone interest on money created from nothing. Money is an invention and abstract that represents a value for a value: a good for another good, or service for another service. Fiat money is valueless and has all the value of The Wizard of Oz's smoke and mirrors.
It's even more immoral to raise interest rates and foreclose on property with valueless banknotes that people trade amongst themselves with winks and nods.
World leaders, including Obama, will be outed because they haven't told the Truth.
The Truth about extraterrestrials will finally be revealed: they're already here among us.
For millennia humans have sought nirvana, a virtual paradise on Earth. That is a fantasy that can never be for it flies in the face of the nature of Man.
But that fact does not lesson the ability or greatness of a human's quest to reach beyond his or her self. Nor does it negate the ability to master the inner self and by doing so enable greater wisdom, more freedom, astounding success, and ultimate life fulfillment.

As the spirit awakes and seeks balance with the material, the human adventure will accelerate. Eventually, the mind will create in reality all it can envision, and even then the stars await.
Beyond the stars lies greater Truths and beyond those Truths are still more.
The Apocalypse is here. Do not fear it. Embrace it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


ATTN: ALL WORKERS LABORERS SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS  ACTORS ETC" there is an all out attack on the working class and super powerful corporations along with the 1% are trying to BRING DOWN UNIONS/UNION WORKERS RIGHTS and WE THE PEOPLE must stand strong and stand together on MAY DAY -May 1st. Tuesday all day at union square and everywhere and show our support & solidarity" WE THE PEOPLE will not be defeated!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


The MoveOn.org group of Jersey city New Jersey held a  "Fair Taxes for the 1%" rally in Journal Square in Jersey City on Tuesday, April 17, 2012
MoveOn.org protesters gathered there at noon toting signs and shouting chants that included “This is what democracy looks like! We are the 99 percent!”The group was there to protest bank bailouts and claimed that Wells Fargo, a corporate symbol of the richest 1 percent in the nation, hasn’t paid any taxes in three years.
A majority of the protesters were students at St. Peter’s College in Jersey City and were urged to attend by the Rev. David Stump, of the college, who organized the rally.
Michael Angelo Bosch works backstage at the Broadway production “Mama Mia!” and was also there and held a speech:
Michael Angelo Bosch speaks...

There are many untold stories of regular hard working families nationwide suffering of their homes being foreclosed on because of malicious mob type tactics forced upon them by the banking industry and mortgage companies involved by selling these unsuspected victims false hope and a lie and labeling the snake oil A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM"
These banks and mortgage companies involved knew these mortgages weren't going to hold but out of GREED they took advantage of these uneducated families and took them for a ride, uneducated in the sense that they didn't understand banking policies fine print mortgage contracting or procedures but believed these so-called RESPECTFUL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCED BUSINESS people and signed up for a piece of the AMERICAN DREAM.
Now if we rob a bank we're called crooks but if the banks rob us it's called business"
To date no real JUSTICE came out of all  this  and with regard to the banking bail outs these big banks need to pay back the money they stole and not just a percentage but the full amount with interest and while we're at it these big banks need to pay their share of taxes as well!!
We the 99% are tired of these lope holes and free passes these big banks companies or 1 %ers receive while we pay more taxes than Kellog's got corn flakes and everything around us keep going up except out salaries "
WE THE PEOPLE will not allow this type of shake down or squeeze to continue any longer "
WE THE 99% with people power
with people dollars as consumers and with our votes united as ONE can make a difference so STAND UP STAND STRONG and STAND TOGETHER and remember....

Saturday, March 31, 2012


OK with all the facts on George Zimmerman being a ticking time bomb and fired from two security companies for being too aggressive and tempermental with his past domestic issues and violent temper picking up a drunk girl at a party and kicking her out causing her to bruise her ankle and his friends calling him an out of control  Dr. Jeckyle  & Mr. Hyde with with a bad temper   his past criminal record of assault & battery on a police officer and resisting arrest 46 previous bogus calls on black youths all unfounded and without merit shows he was a racist beget and his family former judges with political ties which explains why there was attempts to clean and cover this all up by the police and now  the funeral director saying that there were no signs of a fight or struggle no bruises nor blood stains anywhere on the body but the hole in the chest of Trayvon leads them to believe that there was no fight or reason of self defense like Zimmerman first claimed and also the police and Zimmerman claim that he had a bloody nose or broken nose plus a gash in the back of Zimmerman's head and that he was bleeding from the back of his head was all fabricated lies when the video tape surfaced of the police bringing Zimmerman in for questioning and it clearly shows no signs of Zimmerman having cuts bruises blood etc and if the EMT's cleaned him up at the scene where are the band aids or patches?? NOTHING....more & more evidence every day shows that Zimmerman his family and the police lied and are trying desperatly to cover this up even going as far as trying to label the dead boy a gang member  and drug dealer to smear  his name and image ,, WE THE PEOPLE..parents and grand parents neighbors  American citizens of all races and ages men & woman are tired of this constant blatant disregard of human life largely because of racial profiling , How many more Trayvon Martin's Ramarley Graham. Or Sean Bell. Or Oscar Grant. Or Amadou Diallo. Or Emmett Till. Or the Scottsboro Boys.have to die before we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!  We call on every community in every city all across America To OCCUPY THE HOOD wearing hoodies and set up a NATIONWIDE RALLY demanding the IMMEDIATE arrest of George Zimmerman while also pushing to repeal change upgrade or stop  the STOP & FRISK and STAND YOUR GROUND laws which serve nothing but to single out target and profile   young minorities"

Friday, March 23, 2012


Apparently now wearing a hoodie and running or walking  home or joggiing is against the law or dangerious to your health if your a young minority and because of this a young man 17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed last month in Sanford Florida by a volunteer neighborhood watch men George Zimmerman who claims  he was out on Neighborhood Watch patrol, saw a suspicious youth and followed the boy. Trayvon was killed as  he walked to his father's home in a gated community while apparently chatting on a cellphone with his 16-year-old girlfriend when he was confronted  and then killed .he went to a nearby 7-11 for the snack, returning home on foot through the gated neighborhood while wearing a hoodie

So to recap Martin was spotted by 28-year-old George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who called police and reported someone acting "suspiciously." Authorities promised to respond, after cautioning him not to pursue the young man, which was advice Zimmerman immediately ignored. Zimmerman got out of his car, pursued Martin, confronted him, shot and killed him -- and then insisted he'd acted in self-defense. so if you are a young minority teen wearing a hoodie and carrying skittles and ice tea as your weapon of choice then you are considered a threat and danger to society and security people or police have the right to kill you??!!....WHERE ARE OUR PRIORITIES ??? This is not an isolated incident this kind of SH___ happens to young moniroties especially blacks far to often and we as American citizens need to demand JUSTICE and force laws to change like the STOP & FRISK.
And here's the worst part: the Sanford Police Department swallowed his lame excuse -- hook, line, and sinker. They consider the case closed, they say, because they find no evidence to contradict Zimmerman's claim of self-defense.
No evidence? How about this? Martin was walking and carrying only an iced tea and a bag of candy. Zimmerman was driving his car and armed with a 9-millimeter handgun. Martin weighed 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs 250 pounds. Martin had no criminal record. Zimmerman was charged in July 2005 with resisting arrest with violence and battery on an officer. Plus, as reported in the Miami Herald, neighbors reported that Zimmerman was "fixated on crime and focused on young, black males." He'd called police 46 times since January 2011 to report similar "suspicious activity."

When Martin, an unarmed black teenager, was shot in Florida late last month, he was carrying the candy and wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Wednesday, his style of dress inspired a “Million Hoodie March” in New York City, where hundreds rallied to honor Martin and call for the arrest of George Zimmerman, who shot him.
Martin’s supporters believe his death was racially motivated; Zimmerman and his family say it was not. Supporters point to a call to police from Zimmerman just before the shooting, during which Zimmerman said he saw a “suspicious” man wearing a hoodie. That man was Martin. Hundreds of people on Wednesday uploaded pictures of themselves wearing hoodies, with captions like: “Am I suspicious enough?”The hoodie has had a long and tortured history, long before Trayvon Martin. But let’s start with him, and then rewind backwards.
One question at the center of the Trayvon Martin debate is: Would this have happened if the hoodie-wearing teenager was white? Michael Skolnik, editor of Global Grind, doesn’t think so:
“I will never look suspicious to you. Even if I have a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and white sneakers on...in fact, that is what I wore yesterday...I still will never look suspicious. No matter how much the hoodie covers my face or how baggie my jeans are, I will never look out of place to you... And I certainly will never get ‘stopped and frisked.’  I will never look suspicious to you, because of one thing and one thing only.  The color of my skin.  I am white.”Before Martin, hoodies have had a mostly positive association in recent years. They’ve become signifiers of pride, with high school kids wearing their school names or mascots emblazoned across their hooded sweatshirts. They’ve become fashion symbols, like when Ben Affleck and Matt Damon famously wore hoodies under dress suits in the 1999 movie “Dogma.” And they’ve become the modern version of getting “pinned” by a boy; for a high school girl, it means the relationship is serious when a guy gives you his hoodie.
In the 1970s, the hoodie wasn’t seen that way. Before hip hop dress translated into mainstream fashion, it was associated by some with criminal intent. The New York Times’ Denis Wilson wrote of the hoodie in the 70s:
Hip-hop trendsetters used the hoodie also to cloak and isolate themselves, and lent it a sinister appeal... The sweatshirt hood can work much like a cobra hood, put up to intimidate others. But even more important is its ability to create a shroud of anonymity. This came in handy for at least two types of people operating in hip-hop’s urban breeding ground: graffiti writers and so-called stick-up kids, or muggers. Wearing a hoodie meant you were keeping a low profile, and perhaps up to something illegal.When the hoodie was first produced in the U.S., 40 years before this, it wasn’t associated with criminals or rap stars. It was simply utilitarian — worn mostly by laborers working in freezing temperatures. As Wilson points out in the The Times, there is a reason the boxer in the film “Rocky” wears a hoodie as he hits a bloody carcass in a freezing meat locker.
But far before the hoodie began its torturous history in America, and far before it was associated with an allegedly race-based crime, it was worn by another subset of people — Medieval monks.
The hoodie’s original inspiration is from the long decorative hoods these monks in Europe wore.
A Facebook page created recently entitled “Monks wear hoods — How often do they knife people?” attempts to make the same point as those who participated in the Million Hoodie March.
“Want to get the message out there that not everyone who wears a hoodie is an assassin,” 



Sunday, January 29, 2012


INSIDE THE TROJAN HORSE: WE THE PEOPLE - A people's party: For far too long now corrupt politics the monetary system and it's purposely designed to fail programs & policies has been manipulating an...

WE THE PEOPLE - A people's party

For far too long now corrupt politics the monetary system and it's purposely designed to fail programs & policies has been manipulating and abusing humanity especially the 99% and from the look of things it's not getting any better which is why I have been involved in volunteering with and for positive people and community causes for about 40 years now even up to getting involved with the OCCUPY movement which personally I believe has a lot of good ideas and intentions but has gotten misdirected .
It is evident that people of all ages and races regardless of political parties profession or religious beliefs are waking up tired of being lied to used and abused and treated like a door mat and would like to see change in this country that would bring stability and security to society, jobs back to our communities A people's bail out with regards to mortgages and college loans , a free or better cost effective universal health care smaller government & fully investigate wall street and the banks and MAKE THEM PAY!! tax the rich and completely audit the feds and reduce or take away the power & control or strong hold on America that they have, A political over haul a sweep of both sides of the fence from every level of government and politics getting rid all those corrupt set in their ways members of the GOOD OL BOYS SOCIETY who dump tax payers  money into foreign wars while allowing mass homelessness in America and opening the floodgates on our boarders and busing migrants in every city in America housing them in $309.00 a night hotels while kicking out the U.S. homeless out and replacing them with migrants etc and get money out of politics limiting the lobbyist power to sell out this country like a cheap ho or like junkies for the next monetary fix e.t.c.
We as an intelligent society must utilize our efforts in a peaceful positive creative way using people power intelligence technology and the arts to make our case and get our point across instead of allowing our artists to become sellouts for their next check"
WE THE PEOPLE - A people's party is not a democrat party a republican party nor the tea party it is a PEOPLE'S party for every person of every aspect in life with gripes concerns and complaints and would LOVE to see true & positive transparent change become a reality so every March 3rd of the year  noon I invite everyone to come join us in a PEACEFUL POSITIVE CREATIVE DEMONSTRATION and let your voices be heard"
MIND YOU" ..it is a peaceful positive movement and we will not allow accept support nor condone ignorance stupidity or violence.
REMEMBER" The police is not the enemy the corrupt system is..and to our police" please remember that WE ARE YOU" you are our neighbors your kids go to our kids schools we belong to the sames churches you are our union brothers & sisters they too have bills and mortgages and taxes and suffering from the same pinch and crunch we're feeling from within government with their jobs pensions 401K's e.t.c. so please do not allow those who want to shut us up or shut us down from exposing the truth to manipulate your minds and bring unnecessary negative attention to our movement.
RESPECT our rights to free speech and peacefully assemble and we will RESPECT the laws that do not infringe on the constitution and that are truly written laws on the books not the made up laws at spur of the moment to satisfy those in power.
Other than that" ♥ COME ONE ♥ COME ALL ♥ and let's make things happen " Bring your signs your ideas and let's form a THINK TANK get some real issues on paper and create a huge petition of THE PEOPLE'S DEMANDS to intrude to our politicians.
The 2024 elections are near and I'm sure like me that you are all tired of the fake phony slogans one liners and sound bites with all of it's empty promises as usual just to get elected'
We have to send a strong message to ALL of our politicians and inform them that the curtains are open the lights are on and the sleeping pills wore off and we see what their doing and we will not allow nor accept this any longer so let's stand strong and stand together and let's TAKE BACK AMERICA and OUR LIVES "
So come join a real movement with real intentions not for the left or the right not for any special interest groups nor political affiliate but for WE THE PEOPLE"...and REMEMBER" Oppression is mind over matter ♥ ♥ ♥ If you don't mind being oppressed then it won't matter"
UNION SQUARE ..Every March 3rd 12 noon ♥ BE THERE ♥

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



OK I've come to realize that this thing we want to call a revolution a movement with the whole OCCUPY name is becoming side tracked and or some what misdirected to where there really isn't any main focus nor is there any MAIN CAUSE or TOPIC that OCCUPY nationwide is pushing"......?????

♥ I am a realest a positive thinking dedicated devoted member of helping to improve life for the human race but when I get involved in a cause or with a group it is because I believe in your fight put true & positive change with a direction that is believable respectable possible and positive that will help improve the quality of life for all mankind even if  we have to make sacrifices to get there and YES I understand that there are more than one problem we as a society are facing and that our politicians have ignored our plights & problems for far too long now put we have to be organized be professional and  intellectual and also stick to ONE main focus that will be the mother of all our problems and that's MONEY OUT OF POLITICS ..it is money that is corrupting our good politicians it is money that is selling this country down the river it is money that runs everything and with regulating wall street and mandating the banking industry while creating an accountability process by where we can not only watch their actions but hold them accountable for their actions setting up a law or bill where we can place a cap or quota on how much money companies or corporations and lobbyists is allowed to give or get to government or politicians and even work on repealing the federal reserve act of 1913 and replacing it with lawful money backed by the U.S treasury and even sue the feds to get back the gold they stole from America then everything else is part of our LET'S CHANGE slogans or programs.

We need to stop running around like lost puppies trying to find a home. We should have been marching by the 1000's nationwide fighting against NDAA section 1031 and 32 but we barely made any noise about that. There are many many people all across the country and abroad that believe in this AWAKENING  this cause but we must stay focused stay organized and stay strong to fight march protest and demonstrate for real issues and causes that are affecting mainstream society as awhole.

This whole park issue is a distraction and that fight can be fought in the summer and also there are many people organizations and contributions coming in that can help us with office space head quarters and indoor meeting spots so why are we wasting our time with these outdoor public parks??? disrespecting property trying to tear down gates arguing with police officers who are doing their jobs and if you choose to brake a fence or gate enter a closed off property or trust pass and it is time to get arrested then there is no need to resist arrest or fight struggle nor argue with the police , they are doing their jobs ,

LOOK we have many young strong energetic people whom are willing to stay out in the cold sleep out doors march or protest for hours on end e.t.c. then let's focus our time & attention on something that we can see will not only get attention and force the media to give us exposure and the continued support of everyone globally but also help to start making true & positive change a reality ♥.

learn to pick your battles and don't just talk about it be about it"